

Welcome to Troop 845

Welcome to BSA Troop 845, located in Coppell, TX, and proudly chartered by Coppell Bible. As a ministry of Coppell Bible our Troop embraces a Christian ethos and are happy to welcome everyone to it.

We draw inspiration, and our number, from Psalm 84:5 "Blessed is the man whose strength is in the Lord." Our troop cheer captures our spirit: "We Are Troop Eight-Four-Five! We Are Blessed!"

Our Troop is highly active, we gather every Sunday evening at 5:00 pm at the church. We warmly welcome you to join us to learn more about our activities and community. Feel free to visit or contact us for additional information at info@troop845.org.

Save The Date

Posted by rdamuth on Jan 17 2025 - 5:08pm
Upcoming Activities

USS Lexington Campout | January 18-20 - NEW START TIME - 7AM

Court of Honor | January 26

Citizenship in the Society Merit Badge Class | February 1

Wichita Mountains Campout | February 7-9

Big Bend Campout (Tentative) | March 14-17

Cooking Merit Badge Class | March 29

New Scout Campout | April 5-6

Scout Coin Auction | April 27

Galveston Beach Campout | May 24-26

Bartle Summer Camp | July 6-16

Wood Badge 146 (Adults) | August 3-9 

Merit Badge Opportunities

Posted by phdenney on Jan 16 2025 - 9:38pm

The following are upcoming Merit Badge Classes.  Please review the links for further information. 


Citizenship in the Society

Saturday, February 1, from 9-12pm.

Please sign up HERE.

Scouts must be in the 7th grade or higher to attend.


Saturday, March 29, from 9am-1:30pm

Please sign up HERE.

Lunch will be provided - cooked by YOU!

THANK YOU to our amazing instructors!

Training for Scouts: NYLT 2024

Posted by fsaenz on Jun 13 2024 - 1:40pm
THE COURSE: National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed six-day council-level program designed to provide Scouts in troops, crews, and ships with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home units and other situations demanding leadership of self and others. The course is designed for Scouts BSA members who are at least 13 years old; are First Class rank or above; and have successfully completed ILST training.

WHAT YOU WILL DO AND LEARN AT NYLT: NYLT: is filled with activities, presentations, challenges, discussions, and camping in a team and model unit environment. Participants learn and practice skills that are valuable at home, church, school, work, and the Scouting unit. Content is delivered in a troop and patrol outdoor setting with an emphasis on immediate application of learning in a fun environment. Interconnecting concepts and work processes are introduced early, built upon, and aided by the use of memory aids, which allows participants to understand and employ leadership skills much faster. These skills come alive during the week as the patrol goes on a Quest for the Meaning of Leadership.

THE RESULTS: First of all, you will have a lot of fun at NYLT! Activities are built around the idea that Scouting is “a game with a purpose.” You will meet new friends that share your interest in Scouting and in becoming a stronger leader. Participants report that NYLT helped them develop better communication skills, greater ability to coordinate activities and program, increased understanding of the roles and skills of a leader, and many more.

For more information and to sign-up with Circle Ten click HERE.

Is Your YPT Current?

Posted by fsaenz on Jun 13 2024 - 11:33am

The Troop needs all registered adults whose YPT is expired, or is about to expire, to renew it to be eligible for recharter.

YPT is the most elemental of BSA trainings for all adults, registered and non-registered, must complete in order to participate in any Scouting activity.  YPT is necessary to maintain our Troop status and it's required for all adults that participate in Scouting activities.  Adults with missing or expired YPT are not allowed to attend campouts or any event involving Scouts.

You can take the course online at My.Scouting.org and should only take a little over an hour. Send your completed certificate to training@troop845.org.

Are you a Merit Badge Counselor?

Posted by fsaenz on Jun 13 2024 - 11:32am
A merit badge counselor is one of the coolest jobs in Scouting. These volunteers introduce Scouts to a topic about which they are passionate and knowledgeable of.  At the very least, a MB badge counselor helps a young person earn a merit badge and get one step closer to the next rank; and at the most, a MB counselor introduces a young person to a subject that could become a lifelong hobby or career.  
New rules introduced this year require MB counselors to:
Even if you were previously signed-up as a MB counselor, you must complete the above to continue working with the Scouts.  If you are interested, please complete the above forms and send them to Devin Fernandes or Phillip Denney via email; or drop them off at this Sunday’s meeting.  Want to know more?  Here’s some further reading about MB counseling. Want to know even more? Please reach out to our MB Coordinator Anthony Curran for more information.

Training for Adults: IOLS Be a Fully Qualified ASM (Oct/Nov)

Posted by fsaenz on Jun 13 2024 - 11:31am
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Participants will works as Patrols at this hands-on training. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank. All Troops are required to have IOLS trained leaders and all SM/ASMs are required to have it to be fully trained. 

For your convenience, there are multiple classes scheduled throughout the year and very close at Camp Wisdom, there is one in October and another one in November, pick the session that best fits your schedule.

Troop 845 takes much pride in its trained leaders and encourages all adults to take this amazing course.  The Troop will sponsor the first five adults who attend this course. Please sends us an email at training@troop845.org to let us know that you will be attending the class.